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Insured Patients

As an insured patient, you can arrange your treatment to suit your needs, with no waiting lists and convenient appointment times. Arranging your treatment is very simple.

Check your insurance policy
You will need to contact your insurer before you come into centre for any treatment or service that you intend to claim for. They may have paperwork they need to give you to bring to your appointment, and you may have limits or excesses on your policy that you need to check out first. You must confirm that your treatment is covered before you make an appointment and you must obtain authorisation from your insurance company.
Get A Referral
Most private medical treatments begin with a referral from your GP, and this may be a requirement of your policy. Simply visit your GP and ask them to refer you to the centre Your GP may charge a small fee for signing a claim form, which may not be covered by your policy.

Make An Appointment
Call us to arrange to see one of our consultants at a time that is convenient for you. The consultant will provide a diagnosis and discuss treatment options if this is required. You should keep your insurance company up to date with this information to make sure that your policy covers all the investigations, diagnostics, scans, treatments that you may need.

What About Payment?
You must give full insurance details to the centre’s staff before your visit. Normally the insurance company will settle your account directly with us, but sometimes they may require you to pay the centre and the consultants yourself and then reimburse you. Your insurance company will tell you what to do.

Some insurers will not cover the cost of items such as medicines or crutches or splints, because they are classed as aides to mobility. The cost of which needs to be settled directly by yourself.

Please remember that, while the centre will invoice your insurance company directly, it is still your responsibility to make sure that claims are processed promptly. If your insurer declines payment, then you will need to pay the invoice yourself immediately.

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Clinic hours
Monday to Friday : 8am - 6pm
Saturday : 8am - 2pm

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