Why Choose Foot And Ankle Centre

Laser Treatment for Fungal Infection

We are pleased to offer Genesis Plus laser at The Foot and Ankle Centre.

Genesis Plus is a new approach to addressing toenail fungus that puts patient safety and comfort first.

The system applies laser energy to the toe nail plate and surrounding tissue. The laser light gradually heats the fungus and promotes the growth of healthy clear nails.

This procedure requires no anesthetic and poses no risk of serious side effects. Treatment generally takes 20-30 minutes and patients are able to return to regular activity immediately following the procedure.
What’s the difference between Genesis Plus Laser treatment compared to conventional fungal treatment?


  • Generally effective in treating nail fungus
  • Drug must be taken over long period of time (6-8 weeks)
  • Associated with number of side effects i.e gastrointestinal disorders, skin disorders, headache and & abnormal liver function
  • Not recommended for patients with poor health and diabetes.


  • Effectiveness in highly variable due to the fact that the drug does not penetrate the nail plate/bed to reach the underlying infection
  • Drug must be applied frequently often daily over a long period of time


  • Effective in cleaning nails of both mild and severe forms of fungus
  • New nail grows out with no sign of infection
  • No significant side effects

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